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By Leonard Ray Teel

ISBN-10: 080716092X

ISBN-13: 9780807160923

Reporting the Cuban Revolution finds the untold tale of 13 American reporters in Cuba whose tales approximately Fidel Castro’s revolution replaced the best way american citizens seen the clash and adjusted U.S. international coverage in Castro’s favor.

Between 1956 and 1959, the 13 correspondents labored underground in Cuba, evading the repressive censorship of Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship which will file at the uprising led by means of Fidel Castro. The reporters’ tales seemed in significant newspapers, magazines, and nationwide tv and radio, influencing Congress to suddenly bring to an end shipments of palms to Batista in 1958. Castro used to be so appreciative of the newshounds’ efforts to publicize his uprising that on his first stopover at to the U.S. as most suitable of Cuba, he invited the journalists to a personal reception on the Cuban Embassy in Washington, the place he awarded them with engraved gold medals.

While the medals published Castro’s belief of the correspondents as like-minded partisans, the newshounds themselves had no such intentions. a few had journeyed to Cuba in pursuit of scoops which can rejuvenate or jump-start their careers; others sought to advertise press freedom in Latin the US; nonetheless others have been easily conducting assignments from their editors. Bringing to gentle the disparate causes and studies of the 13 newshounds who mentioned in this an important interval in Cuba’s historical past, Reporting the Cuban Revolution is either a masterwork of narrative nonfiction and a deft research of the strain among propaganda and objectivity within the paintings of yankee overseas correspondents.

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Reporting the Cuban Revolution: How Castro Manipulated American Journalists (Media and Public Affairs) by Leonard Ray Teel

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