Historical Reference

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By Kristi L. Wiley

ISBN-10: 0810850516

ISBN-13: 9780810850514

Jain is the time period used for an individual who has religion within the teachings of the Jinas ('Spiritual Victors'). Jinas are humans who've conquer all passions (kasayas) and feature attained enlightenment or omniscience (kevala-jnana), who educate the truths they discovered to others, and who reach liberation (moksa) from the cycle of rebirth (samsara). on the center of those teachings is nonviolence (ahimsa), which has remained the guideline of Jain ethics and practices to this present day. compared to different non secular traditions of South Asia, Jains are few in quantity, comprising below one percentage of India's inhabitants. The Jain lay and mendicant groups, even though, have maintained an unbroken presence in India for greater than 2,500 years and feature prompted its tradition all through this time. ancient Dictionary of Jainism covers the historical past of Jainism that spans a interval of greater than 2,500 years. The historical past, values, techniques and scriptures, eminent mendicant and lay leaders and students, locations, associations, and social and cultural elements are coated in over 450 dictionary entries. This accomplished reference paintings additionally contains an introductory essay, clarification of the Jain scriptures, chronology, appendices, bibliography, and an 8-page black-and-white picture unfold. This e-book offers an outstanding advent and evaluate to Jainism for students, scholars, and basic readers.

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Historical Dictionary of Jainism (Historical Dictionaries of by Kristi L. Wiley PDF

Jain is the time period used for somebody who has religion within the teachings of the Jinas ('Spiritual Victors'). Jinas are people who've triumph over all passions (kasayas) and feature attained enlightenment or omniscience (kevala-jnana), who train the truths they learned to others, and who reach liberation (moksa) from the cycle of rebirth (samsara).

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Historical Dictionary of Jainism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series) by Kristi L. Wiley

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