By Jeremy D. Popkin
ISBN-10: 1405198206
ISBN-13: 9781405198202
ISBN-10: 1405198214
ISBN-13: 9781405198219
ISBN-10: 1536640409
ISBN-13: 9781536640403
- Draws at the newest scholarship within the box in addition to the author’s unique research
- Offers a helpful source for these learning independence activities in Latin the USA, the historical past of the Atlantic international, the historical past of the African diaspora, and the age of the yankee and French revolutions
- Written via a professional on either the French and Haitian revolutions to provide a balanced view
- Presents a chronological, but thematic, account of the advanced old contexts that produced and formed the Haitian Revolution
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A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution (Viewpoints / Puntos de Vista) by Jeremy D. Popkin
by Daniel