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Download e-book for iPad: Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures: 1 by Jacob Bekenstein,Raphael Mechoulam

By Jacob Bekenstein,Raphael Mechoulam

ISBN-10: 9814329428

ISBN-13: 9789814329422

ISBN-10: 9814329436

ISBN-13: 9789814329439

This quantity contains a variety of the Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures awarded each year on the Israel Academy of Sciences and arts. introduced by means of eminent scientists and students, together with Nobel laureates, they conceal a huge spectrum of matters in physics, chemistry, existence technology, arithmetic, historiography and social issues.

This unusual memorial lecture sequence was once inaugurated by way of the Israel Academy of Sciences and arts following a global symposium held in Jerusalem in March 1979 to commemorate the centenary of Albert Einstein's beginning. because Einstein's pursuits, actions and impact weren't limited to theoretical physics yet spanned huge fields affecting society and the welfare of humankind, it was once felt that those memorial lectures may be addressed to scientists, students and erudite laypersons instead of to physicists alone.


  • What Can natural arithmetic provide to Society? (W Timothy Gowers, Fields Medalist)
  • General Covariance and the Passive Equations of Physics (Shlomo Sternberg, Professor of natural and utilized arithmetic, Harvard University)
  • The constitution of Quarks and Leptons (Haim Harari, Professor of Nuclear Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • Beautiful Theories (Steven Weinberg, Nobel Laureate in Physics)
  • Harmless strength from Nuclei (Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Laureate in Physics)
  • Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecular info towards Self-Organization and intricate subject (Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)
  • Chromatin and Transcription (Roger Kornberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)
  • Energy, setting, and the accountability of Scientists (Yuan T Lee, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)
  • Res Ipsa Loquitur: heritage and Mimesis (John E Wansbrough, Professor of Oriental and African stories, collage of London)

Readership: Scientists, scholars and lay people.

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Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures: 1 by Jacob Bekenstein,Raphael Mechoulam

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