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Read e-book online Advances in Microwaves: Volume 1 PDF

By Leo Young

ISBN-10: 1483211045

ISBN-13: 9781483211046

Advances in Microwaves, quantity 1 is a set of papers facing the layout and fabrication of a two-mile accelerator, optical waveguides, and directional couplers. One paper describes the layout and fabrication of the disk-loaded wave advisor, which serves because the accelerating constitution, of the Stanford two-mile accelerator. one other paper discusses the fundamental rules of guided propagation, quite the homes of the confocal lens structures or the "beam advisor" variations. One paper describes the most different types of directional couplers (namely, waveguide directional couplers, TEM-Mode directional couplers) to aid scientists and researchers be sure a selected layout. a few papers speak about singular critical equations to resolve waveguide difficulties, the applying of Lie algebraic thought to microwave networks, and in part stuffed waveguides and floor waveguides of oblong move part. One paper explains the appliance of the singular crucial equation option to oblong waveguides, together with the countless parallel plate configuration. one other paper cites the exponentially tapered transmission line as an instance to teach the applying of Lie algebras in fixing difficulties relating to the microwave box. the gathering is acceptable for individuals within the box of utilized arithmetic, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and utilized physics.

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Advances in Microwaves: Volume 1 by Leo Young

by Robert

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